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2:08pm 02-13-2012
Alkmini Greece
Always hope for the best.. I wish you courage, and you must know that we are all supporting you with love and compassion.. Είμαστε κοντά σας..
1:45pm 02-13-2012
Never stop believing..good luck...
Ben will come home again!! ))))
10:09pm 02-10-2012
toni green
never ever stop believing that someday hopefully soon ben will come home to you... never stop believing x
6:59pm 02-09-2012
Carlos H. Pontes -BR
Prezados familiares deste menino (espero que consigam traduzir para o inglês - english - esta minha mensagem..):

Deixo aqui uma boa dica para que consigam um retrato melhor deste menino... Que Deus ajude vocês a encontrá-lo...



Carlos Henrique Pontes
12:00pm 02-08-2012
alex stoppard
never stop believing that he will be returned one day, you never know what is around the corner. all my hope goes into that he will be returned to you one day.
10:28am 02-08-2012
all the best u will find him some day
3:28pm 02-03-2012
chrissie ashton
am a parent myself, FEEL FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!!
Good luck have printed a poster and placed where i work.
1:37am 02-01-2012
Heather Rowstron
Prayers are Coming your Way! I Believe with all my heart that Ben will be Found and you will all be Reunited! Lots Of Thought Every Day xx
6:03pm 01-26-2012
I wish you well in your endeavours to find Ben. This week on the Jeremy Kyle show, (I Know you love or hate the show) But two men met on the internet after two years of netty chat they developed a relationship. They lived far apart. But one thing led to another and a genetic test (on the show) discovered they were half brothers. My point is the power of the internet. Ben is now a young man, he could be speaking any language. Are all the efforts on twitter and everywhere else, also repeated for example in Greek. (The two men had NO prior knowledge that they may have had a sibling, the older one being taken in care & adopted)
2:00pm 01-26-2012
I first heard about Ben today when i received an event request on facebook. i wish the family all the luck in the world to hopefully find him and I hope the government help you. I have 2 children under the age of 2 and my heart absolutely breaks for the whole family. Our government should be utterly ashamed at the lack of support and assistance given to you and your family. The frustration of having so many positive leads and yet these so called officials refusing to act on them.
Good luck xx
12:25am 01-26-2012
Patricia Robb
I'm praying for Ben wherever he is that he will take notice of this on Twitter, FB or the television and start to question his identity. What a great day it will be for all parents of lost children if social media proves to be a way to bring their children home. I remember the first time I heard about this story. I could emphathize with Ben's Mom. She didn't give her son up, he was taken from her. How could her mother's heart ever stop searching and wondering where her Ben is. Let's keep hoping, praying, tweeting, liking for Ben and see what 2012 brings.
11:33pm 01-25-2012
Debbie Carr
I hope and pray that 2012 will be the year Ben is found so he and his family can be reunited! I'm helping in any and every way I can. What great efforts are being made and the Ben message needs to get out there....worldwide xx
7:46pm 01-25-2012
I really really do hope this is the year you find Ben. My heart goes out to you, keep going you're doing a great job. xx
8:13pm 01-23-2012
I remember watching the news when Ben went missing, even though I was a child myslelf I remember being upset. I now have a daughter who is the same age as Ben was when it happened. My heart goes out to you and hope one day you are reunited with your son, it's so sad.
9:20pm 01-22-2012
I hope this will be the year you will find him! My heart goes out to you and your family! x
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